Desire of Missing Out!

Now we are living in the world of the internet where the whole world is the playground where everybody can know where they stand in terms of their capability in the respective field. Human by nature is the competitive being and the competition can only be measure in terms of the numbers.

There are numbers everywhere, there are a number of subscribers for Youtube creators, there are a number of upvotes for the writer in Quora, there are a number of followers or likes in Instagram and TikTok for glamour, there is the number for any particular thing which is desirable by the humans.

Let's face it any human can not be the best in every field and it will be hard to stand out from others when you enter into the game of these numbers on the internet where we can see the best of the best and the worst of the worst.

People are getting attracted by the numbers more than the actual content which garnered those numbers.

Desires of the human

Fear of missing out(FOMO) comes when the person desires what everybody around is having and not being able to achieve that will kick in the insecurities and it will lead to the depression.

If you are good at writing then you may not be good at cooking and vice-versa. But after achieving what a person desires the next thing he/she does is- DESIRES MORE THINGS.

There is no end to the desires of the people, I think that the people can never stop desiring but the one thing they can do is to not desire things just out of the Fear of Missing out.


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