How "Online" teaching turning "Abusive" is the new challenge to take for an Entrepreneurs.
Due to pandemic all around the world, the schools are shutting down but they have to make study running for students so teachers are teaching the students online. It was all good until it wasn't! Let's see what are the funny things trending now on the youtube. And there are lots of examples like this which shows how the situation of the online classes turned out for the teachers. The video may have been funny and you and I are just gonna watch it for five or ten minutes and laugh it off but the teachers who have been through this are facing lot of frustration and they are also demoralizing from this behavior of the students. I am not here to just whining and cribbing about the situation of the teachers. If the criticism is not CONSTRUCTIVE then it is just only whining. Right now you can see the rise in the usage of video conferencing platforms across the world and there will not be a " One Size fits all" solution for all the needs for v...